About the Trainer
Hi! My name is Stasia, I am a Certified Professional Dog Trainer, a veterinary assistant, a mother of twins, and I currently have 3 dogs and 4 cats (and one husband!). Needless to say, I’m pretty busy!
Dogs have always had an important role in my life, but not until I found Heidi did I have such a connection with one. Heidi was a German Shepherd that I rescued from a shelter. She had been abused and was severely underweight, she was terrified of nearly everything, and my family was worried that she would bite (solely based on her breed).
I was determined to help Heidi adjust to a loving home, and to prove my family wrong. I bought a book on dog training and did things that just seemed to make sense, like having strangers give her treats so that she wouldn’t hide behind me when we were out in public.
It took about a year of rehabilitation, but Heidi flourished. She was friendly to everyone, incredibly gentle, she doted on me, and she was very well trained. My family loved and trusted her too! After seeing me call Heidi off chasing an animal someone said, “You should really look into becoming a dog trainer, you’ve done such a nice job with her!” I laughed and brushed it off at the time.
About 2 years later I was volunteering at a rescue helping to train their dogs for adoption. The class instructor was impressed with my dedication and abilities and asked if I would like to apprentice with her. My dog training career began!
I have been training dogs professionally since 2005. I am certified by the Certification Council of Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT), and a certified AKC Canine Good Citizen/S.T.A.R. Puppy instructor/evaluator. I am always seeking more knowledge to further my craft through books and seminars. I teach group classes in New Windsor, NY and offer private lessons in Orange, and the closest surrounding counties. I also volunteer with local dog rescue, training dogs for adoption, and occasionally fostering dogs until they can be placed in their “forever home.”
You can find me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/StasiaFinleyCpdt for more training tips and articles.
My sweet Heidi is gone now, but her influence can be seen in my life every day; she will always be my inspiration.
Stasia Finley, CPDT-KA
My Pups
These are my own dogs, who constantly teach me so much as I continue to teach them!

Tilly or Tilloo for short
Tilly, my German Shepherd, passed at 13 years old this October. She was my best girl and I will miss her always.

Pipsqueak or Pip
Pixie is a 10 year old Miniature American Shepherd. She's fun, loving, and always eager to learn.

Porkchop or Chompy for short
Porkchop is a 7 year old Pit Bull mix with his own social media presence! He's sweet and friendly, and still working on his manners...